Cammy Lachesnez-Heude
Cammy was born in Martinique but didn’t quite stick around long enough to learn French, but she’s working on it! Her family relocated to the Sunshine State of Florida where the Gulf of Mexico was a five-minute bike ride away (not including the very necessary ice cream stop along the way). The majority of her childhood was spent eating oranges while perched in the trees of her backyard or cutting her feet up while calf deep in mangrove estuary muck. While she loved the weird and wacky creatures of Florida, California was calling.
Off to University of California, Santa Cruz she went to become a banana slug under the redwoods while majoring in Environmental Studies and Politics. Environmental Law seemed the next logical step but a bison ranch, Australian cruise ship, and currently Lindblad all seemed like reasonable speed bumps along the way. Cammy’s dream creature to see in their natural habitat is a Narwhal, so if you have seen one, tell her all about it! You can find her behind her desk, partaking in a polar plunge, hiking ridges, or madly searching for creatures from the bridge.
My upcoming expeditions
Islands of the Azores: Basalt Peaks to Volcanic Vineyards
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard
Northwest Passage: Greenland to Alaska
Antarctica and Patagonia: Legendary Ice and Epic Fjords
Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands