Dora Ulloa
Dora was born in Guayaquil where, during her early years, she attended a bilingual school followed by a German school, enabling her to become fluent in three languages. The need for languages in Galapagos led to her becoming a Galapagos Naturalist Guide at a young age. Having always been an outdoorsy person and a nature-lover, she enjoyed this job very much and it allowed her to save up and go to San Francisco de Quito University to study Applied Ecology, in which she obtained her BSc degree Summa Cum Laude.
Upon graduating, Dora moved to Galapagos and lived in the town of Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, for two years. During this time, she worked as a consultant with the local Tourism Ministry analyzing irregularities in the transportation between islands, taught a module on the ecology of Ecuador at the Central University, and worked day trips as a guide to keep up her license and skills managing groups in different languages. Two years ago, she returned to her studies and undertook a master’s degree in Agricultural Business Management, intending to start a small business in rural mainland Ecuador with her husband. Dora likes to read, cook, listen to music, paint on glass, and sports.