Gordon Longmuir
Gordon Longmuir is a native of British Columbia with rich experience in Southeast Asia. He has a deep understanding of and appreciation for the people of those countries and their history and cultures.
Gordon'’s first career was as an officer in the Royal Canadian Navy. He then served as a diplomat for 34 years, and his assignments included Vietnam, Japan (twice), Korea, Thailand and India. He was the Canadian Ambassador to Cambodia between 1995 and 1999. Back at headquarters in Canada, his assignments included time as Director of the Central America and Caribbean Relations Division.
Since his foreign service career, Gordon has been a consultant whose work included a draft strategy for the Department of Foreign Affairs on Canada-Southeast Asia relations and making recommendations for Canadian assistance to counter-terrorism measures in Southeast Asia. He is an Honorary Research Associate at the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia, an Associate of the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives at the University of Victoria, Vice-President of the Vancouver Branch of the Canadian International Council, and Honorary Consul of Cambodia in British Columbia and Alberta. He sits on the boards of two humanitarian NGOs, and has accompanied study groups to Cambodia and Vietnam.
During our voyage, Gordon will talk about the history, politics and people of the places we visit, and about his own experiences working in the region.