Joseph Brown
Having been raised in upstate New York, Joseph gained a connection with both the area’s nature and its history. His childhood consisted of hours in the woods surrounding his home, quietly watching wildlife in action, and often bringing it home. As he got older, he found a connection with the history of the region and visited many of the area’s Native American cultural sites and Revolutionary War points of interest. Joe earned his bachelor’s degree in Business and Technology Management, but gave in to the reality that he much preferred to be outside in the wild over inside the cubicle. Thus, his journey began which over time has taken him throughout much of the Americas and across the Pacific Ocean.
Today, Joseph continues to travel, with a special focus on locations that feature a strong presence of either the natural world or a cultural/historical significance. He has sailed the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to the Panama Canal, the Hawaiian Islands, the Galapagos Islands, the South Pacific and the Sea of Cortez. He has also spent time sailing in the Caribbean Sea and along the northern Atlantic coast of the United States. Six years ago, he chose to relocate to northern Peru, where he still lives full time. Not one to ever waste a day, during his free time he has explored all three distinct biographical regions of the country. He has driven the Panamericana highway the length of the coast from the far south of Peru all the way up into Ecuador. He has also visited many towns high in the Andes Mountains and has spent time exploring the Peruvian Amazon. When not traveling during his breaks, Joe works with a local school in his hometown, where he volunteers teaching English and sharing stories of his travels.
My upcoming expeditions
Greek Isles Odyssey: Mythology, History and Cerulean Seas
Crossroads of the Ancient World: Exploring Greece and Turkey
Antarctica Direct: Fly the Drake Passage 9-Day
Antarctica Direct: Fly the Drake Passage
Antarctica Direct: Fly the Drake Passage 10-Day