Juan Carlos Arrieta
Juan Carlos is double majored in Sustainable Tourism Management and Biology with a specialization in ecology and sustainable development. He has earned his international certification in Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Swift Water Rescue and Vertical Rope Rescue by organizations like RESCUE 3 INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL from USA.
He has been working for almost fifteen years as a naturalist and adventure guide; and for him his job is one of his biggest passions. Previously, he was the international director for the Costa Rican branch of Youth Challenge International, a youth exchange organization that works with volunteer students and group leaders from all over the world, in areas like primary health care, environment, scientific research and community development.
Since 2008, he has been passing out all his knowledge to new guides from different tourism companies and from the National Learning Institute (Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje), not only hard skills (running adventure activities: biking, white water rafting, horseback riding, climbing, and others), but also soft skill (leadership, critical judgment, problem solving, interpersonal behaving, work ethics and others). As well as for the past few years he has also help a number of rural communities build up initiatives in many different areas to help them improve their economic and social situation.
His favorite activities are nature hikes, mountain biking and horseback riding. He likes to learn from others as well as to teach and he has a special ability to work with families and kids.