Kura Happ
Her knowledge of the reef, ocean and environmental conservation is innate - handed down verbally and through practical teachings from her grandparents and long line of ancestors before them. As a child she spent most of her time with her grandparents who shared their traditional knowledge on conservation and sustainability. This includes traditional fishing and conservations techniques which Kura continues to practice today.
Kura is the owner and tour guide of Ariimoana Walkabout Tours on the island of Rarotonga where she shares her knowledge with her reef explorers in a hands-on adventure of learning. Kura has spent over 15 years learning about this fragile ecosystem and the importance of protecting it for the future as it was protected by her ancestors for the generation today. She has also worked closely with local authorities on several marine protection projects that have been vital for the health of the local reef and marine ecosystem.
Kura is an experienced free diver, scuba diver, spear fisherwoman and it is not uncommon to see her on days off walking in from the reef passage with her catch of the day that she gifts for the elders of her family as is traditional custom.
Her passion for ocean conservation and cultural heritage saw Kura become a traditional voyager and navigator with internationally acclaimed traditional master navigator Tua Pittman also of Cook Islands lineage. In 2012 Kura embarked on a 6-month voyage at sea on traditional double hulled sailing canoe "Marumaru Atua" that spent 18 months voyaging the Pacific and beyond promoting ocean conservation and traditional knowledge. When not entertaining on land - this self-confessed mermaid can be found in her element, exploring and learning more about the ocean.