Vincent Butler
Vincent is a professional archaeologist and lecturer who received his B.A. in geography and archaeology and master’s Degree in environmental archaeology from University College, Dublin. Vincent is also nearing completion on his doctorate — his dissertation is concentrated on the utilization of mammals in the Anglo-Norman period in Ireland.
Working closely with the National Museum of Ireland, Vincent is at present involved in research on medieval environmental samples recovered during excavations in Dublin. This research allows us to reach a fuller understanding of an often shrouded, misunderstood time in history through the analysis of a wide variety of finds — everything from animal bones to soil samples. The results of his work are to be published in several volumes by the Royal Irish Academy.
Vincent also teaches at a number of Ireland's elite third-level colleges and has lectured widely on cultural, geographical, and archaeological subjects. No stranger to the media, he has been featured in a number of television education programs and contributed to many documentaries. Vincent’s life long passion for interpreting the landscape has led to his involvement in specialist field study tours over the last fifteen years. To date he has designed, managed, and guided an impressive number of varied programs — Vincent loves to educate people in the unseen history that lies just below our feet. He also works as a consultant to the State Tourism Training Agency. A keen landscape photographer and lecturer for Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic, Vincent has traveled in Europe and North Africa.