We woke to find Sea Cloud in the middle of the southern end of the Adriatic Sea. A light wind was blowing from the south/southwest as Chief Officer Danijel met with guests on the spanker deck to explain what was happening above as the sailors hit the rigging to set sails. We relocated to the bridge deck to watch as the flying jibs were hoisted and then proceeded to the fo'c’s’le, or forecastle, for views and pictures.

Certified Photo Instructor Jose Calvo gave a presentation on Smart Phone Photography to improve usage of our most handy photo cameras.

After our first incredible Sea Cloud Mediterranean lunch buffet, several interested guests took the physical assessment to qualify for climbing out on the bowsprit. More than twenty guests were able to enjoy that thrill of being 15 meters above the sea on the front of a moving vessel.

In the later afternoon, Historian Rebecca Ingram spoke about Italy and Sicily in the Middle Ages and prepared us for tomorrow’s visit to Otranto and Lecce.

The captain’s welcome cocktails and dinner commenced on the lido and spanker decks with a beautiful sunset as we sailed southwards into the Adriatic evening.