As we sail northward on our voyage, we feel the changes. The days are becoming slightly longer, the water cooler, the air dryer. A few of us meet on the bow every sunrise, meeting the morning at sea, noting how the days shift.

Our day aboard was packed with activities. Those of us who watched from the bow were delighted by pods of dolphins making quick passes beneath. Bulwer’s petrels and other pelagic seabirds darted about the ocean’s surface, presenting challenging and fulfilling views for the dedicated. The natural history staff gave fascinating presentations about the chronicles of exploration and human movement, tying our voyage to adventures that have come before.

It wasn’t all science and lectures aboard; several of us dove into our creativity and took time to paint and collage. Our science team offered a VR experience to some of the sites they have taken their ROV, giving us a unique insight to the reefs below us.

With the day winding down, we prepared for a delicious tasting menu provided by our phenomenal galley team and awaited tomorrow with excitement.