What a full and active morning at sea aboard Sea Cloud! Sailors hit the rigging at 08:15, and once the ship was under sail, interested guests met on the foredeck to be instructed on how to climb the foremast up the shroud to the first platform and back down the other side. Although a bit scary for sure, we had success, safety, and smiles all around! As this was going on, three engine room tours were offered to eager and interested guests. After these, a Zodiac Photo Safari was conducted for views of the ship “under sail” in ideal conditions.

After another wonderful lunch on deck, Historian Rebecca presented “Venetian Maritime Empire” on the Lido as the ship approached the formerly Venetian town of Korcula. In the mid- afternoon, guests proceeded to the pier for a guided walking tour of the town followed by independent time to explore. At 1800, we met for a performance of Moreska, an elaborate sword dance dating back to medieval times and a long tradition in Korcula. Happy guests tendered back to the ship for dinner aboard while others opted to dine ashore in the charming town.