After a late night passing through locks under a star-laden sky, we awoke inside Gatun Lake. This was the largest manmade lake at the time the Chagras River was dammed in 1913. Our anchorage was adjacent to Barro Colorado Island, home to the Smithsonian’s Tropical Research Institute (STRI). Through the accomplishments of many hardworking biologists, the STRI laid the groundwork for foundational studies on tropical species, including leafcutter ants and tent-making bats. Guests visited the island and walked with STRI guides, or chose to venture into the town of Gamboa and visit the Rainforest Discovery Center.
During panga rides there were sightings of snail kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis) and Geoffroy’s tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi). Our youngest guests were invited to participate in a Zodiac driving lesson, and all were awarded certificates of achievement for their notable skills on the tiller.
After the world premiere of our Guest Slideshow, we sailed into the Atlantic with our Christmas trip aboard National Geographic Quest held snugly in our hearts.