The Ucayali River is an important tributary of the Amazon River. There are many small creeks that feed into the Ucayali as well. Today we had the opportunity to explore three of these rivers and creeks.

Before breakfast we loaded the skiff to explore Yanalpa River. We were welcomed by flocks of red-bellied macaws as we arrived. The lush forest of this area revealed that the water level had dropped around a meter.

After breakfast, Belluda Caño was explored. We were fortunate to have sightings of brown capuchin monkeys, together with Isabel’s saki monkeys foraging up in the canopy. We enjoyed the tropical music of the forest, well composed by the different bird calls.

In the late afternoon, we visited Dorado River, with our skiffs outfitted with spotlights. As the sun began to set, we turned them on. The red eyes of spectacle caimans and black caimans could easily be seen reflecting off the lights, and several specimens were seen by our guests.

 It was a great day of exploration in the Pacaya and Samiria National Reserve.