Today, after a well-deserved rest, we started with high spirits our expedition in the magnificent Upper Amazon in Peru. Right after breakfast we went for a hike in an area known as Casual.   Equipped with rubber boots and with the company of our naturalists plus three local native scouts from the community we explored a “terra firme” rainforest trail. This outing was an introduction to fascinating dynamics of the Neo-tropical rainforests and its inhabitants.   The explanations of our naturalists and the eagles´ eyes of the local scouts made a great combination. We observed several frog and lizard species, a night owl monkey and some flowers. We saw a pink-toed tarantula and several insect species as well. The icing of the cake of this morning´s outing was the unusual spotting of a beautiful snake species a red-tailed boa. 

In the afternoon, after lunch, we explored the Yanayacu River which is a black water tributary of the Marañon River. In this area several bird species and some three-toed sloths were spotted. The early and late hours of the day are the best ones for spotting creatures of the rainforest.

Late in the afternoon with company of a spectacular sunset, we came back onboard with unforgettable memories product of our first full day of our expedition this week in the Peruvian Upper Amazon aboard the Delfin II.