Little did we know the humpback whales we found this morning in Chatham Strait were just a warm up for the killer whales later in the morning. Our first full day exploring Southeast Alaska was diverse and fruitful. From hiking in the temperate rainforest to Zodiac cruising the shoreline, we discovered delicate orchids embedded in the forest moss, an eagle’s nest perched in the treetops, and explored the somewhat musical aspects of bull kelp.

And for dessert, the behavior from a humpback whale you always wish for and rarely get, an uninhibited, repetitively breaching, pec slapping whale. Of course, it had a most appreciative audience. Here are a few more perspectives of our day from some of our younger Global Explorers:

Wow, banana slug,

Orcas, whales and all galore

Amazing creatures, yay!

Alaska’s Great!

It is so awesome to see,

You should come visit today!

by Patricia Crackerface

Eagle, eagle on the wall,

Who’s the best flyer of them all?

You are, my eagle queen!

by R. S. P.