Last night after dinner, we sailed slowly around Disko Bay to enjoy the view of the evening light bathing numerous icebergs in a golden haze. Shutters clicked as photographers filled memory cards, especially when a young humpback whale repeatedly surfaced very close to our bow. Dawn this morning was mostly clear, with calm seas and light winds. By teatime, our outside views were challenged by passing fogbanks. Most of the wildlife we do see outside is of the feathered kind: Gulls and fulmars are our constant escorts across the sea.

Today we sailed across Baffin Bay on our first full day at sea after visiting western Greenland. There was some time to reflect on the voyage so far, but the expedition team put on a full program of presentations in the lounge. Topics ranged from polar bear biology to Arctic conservation to National Geographic assignments and even an in-depth look at kayaking techniques.

For those new to National Geographic Explorer, this is also a great day to spend time exploring the ship, getting to know her many staircases, discovering all the various on-deck viewing areas, and paying a visit to the bridge to help pass the time. Between it all, the galley team continued to produce a steady supply of amazing food, snacks, and beverages that may even require eventual visits to the gym on Deck 6…