Today we woke up well and truly in Antarctic waters, finally below 60 degrees south latitude and with sea temperatures below freezing. With calmer sea conditions, we enjoyed views of beautiful light-mantled albatrosses and cape petrels flying through the light snow falling around the ship. Calmer conditions also allowed us the chance to strengthen our sea legs and enjoy presentations about Antarctic geology and Antarctic krill from our expedition staff. As we made our way into the protected waters of the South Shetland Islands, Captain Yuriy Tupikov hosted a welcome cocktail party for this expedition of National Geographic Explorer. We enjoyed observing beautiful scenery and porpoising penguins from the windows, a “sneak treat” of the excitement to come as we plan to explore the White Continent tomorrow!
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 01 Dec 2022
Drake Passage & South Shetland Islands, 12/1/2022, National Geographic Explorer
- Aboard the National Geographic Explorer
- Antarctica
South Georgia and the Falklands
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