Our final day aboard National Geographic Orion began with morning stretches led by wellness specialist Lani on the sundeck, setting a refreshing tone for the day. After a delightful breakfast in the lounge, we were treated to an engaging story by Staff Captain Dominyk Kneizys, titled “Beyond the Horizon,” where he shared his journey from hobbyist to professional mariner.

Late morning saw guests visiting the OM Locker with Michael in the observation lounge and submitting their best expedition photos for the guest slideshow. Lunch was served in the outdoor café, providing a scenic dining experience.

In the afternoon, Cultural Specialist Goyma captivated us with his presentation on Aboriginal family and social structures, titled, “Kinship.” Following a special afternoon tea, Hotel Manager Fran and Expedition Leader Karla discussed future trips with Lindblad Expeditions.

The day concluded with the captain’s farewell cocktails and a recap of our incredible voyage through Indonesia and the Kimberley, accompanied by a photo slideshow. The captain’s farewell dinner in the outdoor café was a fitting end to our journey, followed by a screening of the Australian classic, “The Castle.”

It was a day filled with learning, reflection, and camaraderie, perfectly encapsulating our memorable expedition.