A bit of high wind and sea conditions prompted our expedition leader John Mitchell to revert to “Plan B” this morning and offer kayaking and hiking in the protected waters near Shaw Island and Fox Creek on the northern end of Chichagof Island. Pink salmon are currently spawning in Fox Creek and we all took the opportunity to see the fish firsthand.

Afternoon found us in our expedition landing craft on the flood tide in Inian Pass, one of my personal favorite places to be. Steller sea lions were gobbling down chum and pink salmon as fast as they could catch them on the changing tide. Sea otters were feasting on urchins and baskets stars. Humpback whales were busy feeding on herring and other small prey items. Bald eagles and gulls of many species were all there to clean up. Life is fast and furious here during the tide change, and our photos are the proof of the abundance to be found in these nutrient rich waters.