Astoria and Cape Disappointment

Seeking signs of elk.

To locate a suitable site for their over-winter encampment in December 1805, the Corps of Discovery, under the command of captains Lewis and Clark, had to find a location fulfilling seven required criteria. According to military standards of the day, all seven must be present before their fort could be situated and built. Winter was upon them!

Today the members of our expedition had the protection of our stout ship, National Geographic Sea Bird, with excellent accommodations, sumptuous meals and a brave captain and crew who took us to the Columbia River bar at first light and provided the capability to explore Astoria and Cape Disappointment. The historic significance of this day at Tongue Point, Fort Clatsop, the Columbia River Maritime Museum and the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center was not lost on our guests, who had come from all over the country to take part in our expedition.

We explored from Tongue Point past Astoria by motor coach and then set out on foot to confirm the Corps of Discovery’s choice next to the Netul River (now Lewis & Clark River) just off of Young’s Bay. Did the locale meet the necessary standards?

The criteria included (1) a ready source of fresh drinking water; (2) enough suitable timber to build their fort; (3) nearby firewood to keep fires for cooking and heating burning 24/7; (4) a suitable shoreline above the high tide to pull and protect their canoes; (5) land for the fort well above the high tides; (6) a natural barrier of land to offer protection from winter winds and storms; and (7) enough meat on the hoof to supply the men, women and children of the expedition with 3 squares each day.

Fortunately, Fort Clatsop provided all of these necessary ingredients and the over-winter was
successful. Yet another example of incredible skill and “of courage undaunted” on the part of Lewis & Clark.

But where were the signs of elk? Taking a line from the captain’s journals, “we proceeded on;” and not to be denied, we succeeded in finding the seventh criteria at last.