Doubtful and Dusky Sounds

Our expedition exploring the wonders of New Zealand began in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, Fiordland National Park. After boarding the ship yesterday in Milford Sound, we traveled south and spent the day today enjoying two other spectacular but not quite as famous places. Both Doubtful and Dusky Sounds have a long human history, exciting wildlife, and spectacular views.

We woke this morning in the open seas, and abundant seabirds greeted us. Petrels and shearwaters were common, but the albatrosses were what really caught our eye. Five species were seen, and the most common was the White-capped Albatross. With a wingspan of around eight feet, it is a large bird. A stiff wind made for perfect conditions, and we were delighted with their grace in flight.

In the late morning we entered Doubtful Sound, named by Captain Cook. He, traveling in a sailing vessel, was doubtful that if he went into the sound, that he could sail back out. We, however, have the comforts of the Oceanic Discoverer, and thus nothing to worry about. We entered with blue skies and spectacular views and slowly made our way deep into the fjord.

After lunch we set out in the Xplorer to get up close and personal to the small islets and wildlife in Doubtful Sound. Kelp lined the shore while red flowering Rata trees covered the hills. Some great birds were spotted including shags, gulls, and oystercatchers. Overall, the scenery was spectacular. In the afternoon, we again returned to the open sea for our transit to Dusky Sound. More albatross guided our way and as we entered Dusky Sound, Dusky Dolphins welcomed us. Further along, Bottlenose Dolphins put on quite a show, coming over to surf on the wave we created.

Sitting quietly at anchor, we enjoyed the New Year’s Eve festivities. We brought in the new year by ringing the ship’s bell, enjoying this ceremony in a spectacular setting. More discoveries await us in the new year!