Today we were at Genovesa Island located in the northern part of the archipelago. This is the last full day of our expedition on board the National Geographic Islander and this place is fantastic! We landed in the morning at Darwin Bay for an easy walk filled with wildlife. There are so many sea birds on this island - great frigate birds, red footed boobies, swallow tailed gulls - all in large numbers. It is just overwhelming to see the birds so close and how all species allow us to stay so close to their chicks to admire them. We had memorable moments shared among our guests. Afterwards we enjoyed snorkeling off the Zodiac and for the young ones we played on the beach. In the afternoon we visited Prince Phillip Steps and once again we enjoyed the tameness of the birds and got to see the top predator of Genovesa Island, the short eared owl! We were so lucky today to find the owl right on the path and he stayed there the entire time.

Galapagos is one of the last paradises on earth and we work hard to keep it this way for the generations to come.