Oh, what a glorious morning! Everyone aboard National Geographic Sea Bird awoke to the warmth of a sun slowly burning off the fog that had engulfed us during the night. We found ourselves securely anchored off the largest of the George Islands in Cross Sound. This island was the site of a small garrison of between 18 and 20 men stationed here in July 1942 until the end of WWII. The U.S. Navy left them with a six-inch artillery gun and orders to hold the pass against possible Japanese Naval invasion! Can you imagine? We hiked and kayaked around this former military installation now overgrown by mushrooms, moss, and lichens. 

Our afternoon in the Inian Islands was spent among harbor seals, Steller sea lions, sea otters, humpback whales, and bald eagles. As the tide race roared, we boated through whirlpools and boils and a rollicking river running right through the middle of it all! We felt privileged to see and photograph the abundance of life all around us! 

Stay tuned, dear reader, as tomorrow we head into Glacier Bay National Park!