Sunrise was extremely colorful as the morning light made its way onto the mountains and trees of the gorgeous central coast of British Columbia. National Geographic Venture sailed past a few humpback whales as we made our way to visit a First Nations Big House. We were greeted and learned about the local community and the origins of the house and its ceremonial uses, and we saw the wonderful carvings inside.

The afternoon was hot and sunny, and we took advantage of the stunning weather to offer a bushwhack up the mountain or a Zodiac ride in the scenic fjord. The bushwhackers set out using whatever means necessary to move up and down within the temperate rainforest. Each Zodiac made its way around the fjord looking at the majestic scenery and for wildlife. Guests saw seals, common mergansers, and gulls. A couple lucky groups saw some river otters.

As the day’s grand finale and as the sun was setting, we visited a waterfall and were rewarded with the sight of a couple black (Spirit/Kermode) bears.