Guests awoke as National Geographic Explorer navigated through more spectacular scenery. On arrival at our first programmed location we were greeted by a welcoming party of two polar bears. After much patience, one of the bears, an adult male bear, finally gave himself up to the group allowing the great views of this majestic animal amongst a mosaic of fast ice. Once everyone had had their fill, the bear was left on his hunt for food as the expedition team frantically adapted their day’s itinerary. No matter what happened next, the morning’s encounters had ensured that the day would last long in the memories of all on board.  However, a late morning of zodiac cruising amongst magnificent landscapes and an afternoon landing alongside the cries of thousands of nesting kittiwakes ensured that the customer satisfaction remained through the roof. To top off this magnificent day, guests were treated to a banquet and a night of entertainment courtesy of the amazing Philippines contingent of the crew.