Today we glimpsed, however briefly, a small piece of the raw power the ocean holds, fortunately under a beaming sun, as we explored the Inian Islands and looked out upon the mighty Gulf of Alaska. It brought to mind a quotation by the nautically acclaimed Herman Melville: 

“ … these are the times of dreamy quietude, when beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean’s skin, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly remember, that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang.”

In all actuality the seas were quite calm, but one could almost taste a tangible wildness in the air. The sea lions swarmed brazenly around our inflatable boats as we all were tossed about in the seething current. They feasted upon freshly caught fish, gripping them in their jaws and thrashing massive heads to and fro until there was nothing left but several easily consumable chunks.

And then there were the whales, undaunted by rolling waves topped by whitecaps, all around us diving with such frequency and purpose that one even suspected if they were taking pause to acknowledge the floating observers bobbing in their midst. Blows and wheezing exhalations could be heard clearly, carried on the boisterous wind, combined with the gasps and cries of wonder. Tails lifted high out of the water displaying a “fluke” as these blubbery behemoths dove repeatedly to some imperceptible cadence. 

After a day of awe inspiring wildlife we took shelter in the welcoming lee of the George Island for walks, kayaking and a sumptuous Fourth of July beach dinner! To complement our actual dessert as we were treated to yet more whales, topped off with a local firework display booming in the distance.