Iricawa Creek is one of the many tributaries of the great Ucayali River it meanders along this land through varzea forests covered by large trees, grasses and secropia trees along the river bank. This outing is an opportunity to find raptors and fruit eaters. There were many sightings. The place is vibrant with bird life. There were flocks of yellow-rumped caciques, Slate colored hawks, blue and yellow macaws and scarlet macaws!

In the afternoon we visited Yarapa Creek. This place is one of a kind! Everything in this region is lush green dazzling blue sky and bird songs all around us. Everything is green but you can find some dead trees that happen to be in great demand. The dead trees are nesting sites for toucans, caciques, woodpeckers and parrots. As we explored the forest we encountered wooly monkeys doing their typical acrobatics and hanging down form their tales!  It was nearly sunset and it was dinner time for the monkeys. We saw them very active picking fruit and running up and down the trees. Another very important part of this outing was finding several troops of monk saki monkeys. They are no too common but today they were toast of the Amazon rain forest!

Here in this rain forest the dead trees are an opportunity to build nests for wood peckers and many other birds during nesting season. There are also raptors such as caracaras, hawks and ospreys looking for food and perching in the surrounding trees.