Today we traveled to the northern-most destination of our journey, the island of Angel de la Guarda. The largest island in the Gulf of California, it is found just offshore of Bahia de Los Angeles. We spent the day in the anchorage El Refugio, which provided us with flat glassy seas on which to explore.

In the morning, we kayaked and paddle boarded from a sandy beach, navigating around rocky points, spying on schools of fish, rays, and starfish from above. We then boarded Zodiacs and went for guided tours around smaller islets looking for wildlife. And find it we did! CA sea lions barked and frolicked and chased our boats. We were even lucky enough to see a male northern elephant seal, which is a rare sight in the gulf. Ospreys soared overhead and a peregrine falcon could be seen in a nest.

After lunch we headed back to shore where we set off on desert hikes. Here we walked over open land dotted with giant cardon and cholla cacti and hillsides populated with elephant trees with various lizards scurrying about. It was a lovely day full of life.