Our day started with polar bears! As we approached Kap Brewster this morning, a mother and her two cubs were spotted climbing through a scree looking for little auks. As we approached, the mother made her way down to the shoreline and eventually her cubs followed. It was touching to see them interact and it gave us a sense of optimism to see that they were all healthy and strong.

After a hearty breakfast we set out for our Zodiac cruise along the shore. Clouds of little auks circled overhead and there were several shore birds near the water’s edge. A hot chocolate boat greeted all of the Zodiacs serving up warm concoctions and bringing smiles to our faces. Colin and James went diving at the base of the cliffs and found many small creatures including some beautiful nudibranchs.

Our National Geographic photographer, Karen Kasmauski, gave a wonderful presentation entitled “Expedition Shooting” after lunch. She showed some of her fantastic images and described some of the many things to consider when shooting.

In the late afternoon the ship sailed into Romer fjord and we eagerly boarded the Zodiacs dressed in our best swimming attire! Hot springs ashore! Steaming pools could be seen along the shoreline and many brave souls ventured in for a dip. Some of the staff were brave enough to jump from the hot springs into the icy waters and then back. It was interesting to see the variety of vegetation growing around the hot springs.  Some people went on walks to stretch their legs and found a muskox skull on the shore. Some even found a small hut nearby that was probably used by people from nearby Scoresbysund.

When we first pulled into the fjord, a polar bear was spotted on the side opposite side from our landing. It was quite far up on the slope and appeared to be sleeping. Once he caught a whiff of the delicious smells from the galley, he began moving closer to the ship. He was on the other side of the fjord, and never a danger, but it was exciting knowing that we were in the presence of a bear.

Once we were all back on the ship and finished our dinner, some found their way to the lounge to watch a showing of “Frozen Planet.” Others ventured outside to enjoy the stunning scenery in the beautiful evening light. Everyone went to bed content with another exciting day in this fantastic place called Greenland.