An excursion to the largest inland reef in the world motivated us to greet the rising sun and board the Zodiacs. Montgomery Reef is exposed at every single low tide since they are so incredibly high in this part of the world. We entered the channel and witnessed cascades of water running down the reef at regular intervals, leaving the reef tops exposed for a short while. What a great opportunity for the many birds to hang out at this breakfast buffet. Reef herons patiently sat along the cascade’s edge. Sandpipers investigated the exposed reef. Turtles showed up in the water to inspect new visitors to their home, and we took plenty of photos as the sun slowly rose behind us. Time passed quickly. Eventually we realized that we were hungry, and we headed back to the ship. The crew had been busy preparing an outdoor brunch with all the trimmings. We enjoyed brunch as we shared our morning impressions with each other.

A fascinating presentation by National Geographic photographer Michaela Skovranova highlighted her talents, which she readily shared with us. By afternoon, we had travelled a short distance to Raft Point for another Zodiac cruise. This tour brought us to a mangrove habitat, home of many birds and water creatures. This bird sanctuary island is an Aboriginal landing site, and we learned about its cultural significance. We reflected on this amazing day during cocktail hour. We enjoyed an expertly prepared dinner and happily sank into our comfortable beds.