Today was one of those magical days in Antarctica, one that will stay with us forever. As the first light of dawn brushed the snow-capped peaks, we set foot on the continent itself at Neko Harbour. While the glacier gleamed under the golden morning sun, the crisp air carried a hushed stillness, broken only by the distant rumble of calving ice, a reminder of the ever-changing, untamed beauty of this frozen wilderness.
In the afternoon, we ventured to Wilhelmina Bay, often called "Whale-mina Bay" for good reason. Framed by jagged, ice-draped mountains, this vast, icy expanse is a prime feeding ground for whales, drawn to its nutrient-rich waters. Humpback whales, dozens of them, welcomed us, their graceful movements mesmerizing. Aboard our Zodiacs, we drifted among these gentle giants, listening in awe as their deep, rhythmic breaths echoed across the bay.
As the sun dipped lower, setting the clouds ablaze in fiery hues, the whales put on one final show, lifting their flukes, rolling in the golden light, and bidding us farewell in a way only Antarctica can. It was a perfect ending to an unforgettable day exploring the Great White Continent.