We started this day with high spirits. I had the feeling that is going to be a fantastic day and I was not wrong! We had one of the best exploration days I have ever had in these realms. After breakfast, we went deep and far into the Pacaya River, the farthest destination we will be in our expedition this week.

Our skiffs arrived at a large black water ox bow lake called Yanayacu Lake. We stooped there momentarily to stretch our legs and use toilet facilities.  After it, we continued with our exploration and we had incredible encounters with wildlife. It was extraordinary - one of the skiffs saw a jaguar! Two skiffs saw a large group of the largest rodent on Earth, the capybara. All of us saw a huge green anaconda. Red howler monkeys troops and three toed-sloths were seen everywhere.

At midday, we had a picnic lunch and after it we came back to our home this week the Delfin II.  It was a long trip but well wort the effort!