The call of glaucous-winged gulls welcomed National Geographic Quest into the harbor of Petersburg, “the Town that Fish Built.” This quaint village became the backdrop for an array of activities that kept us busy and fascinated throughout the day. We split into multiple groups and spread in all directions. During our Zodiac tours and dock walks, we looked for wildlife and learned about the fishing industry that made Petersburg so successful. We saw the entire town and its outskirts on a bike tour. We searched for (and found) carnivorous plants in the spongy muskeg of Kupreanof Island. We were educated and inspired by the stories and history of the local Tlingit people on the Haa Aani Cultural Walk. We learned about the Petersburg way of life on the Raven’s Roost tour. And we explored the shops and landmarks of the picturesque town.

It was a beautiful day full of nature, learning, culture, and great conversations with locals. We wrapped up the day with a Ray Troll fashion show, showcasing the hilarious wearable art of this quintessential Alaskan artist. Oh, and we had all-you-can-eat Dungeness crab for dinner! What a day!