The wind this morning was not as forecast — it gusted to 20 knots as our deck team set the anchor. While the sunshine of the last few days seemed to have left us, the rain stayed away just long enough for our guests to enjoy one last wonderful landing. One group spent a long while exploring the intertidal zone, seeing everything from washed up jellyfish to sessile organisms on the rocks. Yesterday we had the pleasure of witnessing a black bear feasting on the barnacles and mussels of this ecosystem, and it was incredible to take a closer look! The rest of us divided into small groups and ventured into the nearby woods to do what we dubbed “light bushwhacking.” Signs of minks, river otters, squirrels, ravens, and bears were all over the beautiful forest floor. Rodman Bay was once a prominent site for logging the Tongass National Forest; old rusty cables and other remnants dotted the landscape as a reminder of what used to occur in this magical place.