Today we had a wonderful day on San Cristobal Island. After breakfast we hiked to the top of a cinder cone where red-footed boobies nested and flew along the cliffs. We enjoyed the spectacular Punta Pitt landscape in which birds flew in front of our eyes while being surrounded by bright colored vegetation. After this invigorating hike we returned to the landing beach to swim and share the place with several Galápagos sea lions.

Some of the most interesting sightings of the morning were the marine iguanas of Punta Pitt. Within the last few months, it has been discovered that the marine iguanas of the area are unique for being genetically older than all the other Galápagos marine iguana species. Few remain, but we were able to see several of them getting ready to descend to the intertidal zone for feeding. Among the iguanas were red-footed boobies preparing nesting materials in the low bushes and trees.

In addition, San Cristobal lava lizards were present. One individual was seen and photographed eating another of its kind. Cannibalism!

We also had Zodiac driving lessons for our young explorers in the late morning. An exciting outing, to say the least!

In the mid-afternoon, many of us boarded Zodiacs for one last snorkeling outing. We entered the water near Leon Dormido (“Sleeping Lion”), an off-shore tuff cone that has eroded into a unique shape. It was an exciting, adventurous snorkel. Currents and immense cliffs provided the backdrop as we snorkeled for 45 minutes among black-tipped sharks and Galápagos sharks!

At sunset we gathered on the bow of the ship, drinks in hand, enjoying the sunset while sailing around this dramatic islet.

What an extraordinary way to end a week of extraordinary sightings!