On our last full day in the Galápagos guests of the National Geographic Endeavour enjoyed a combination of walks, plus swimming and snorkeling activities on the easternmost island of the archipelago. By 8:30 in the morning everyone was ready to disembark at Punta Pitt, an impressive volcanic landscape located at the northeastern end of this large island. Here, guests had the chance to choose either going on a hike or going for a Zodiac ride. In both cases they were able to observe a good number of red-footed and blue-footed boobies at their nesting sites. Afterwards guests had time to enjoy the beach at this site where some decided to observe and photograph Galàpagos sea lions while others went for a swim.

During lunch, we sailed towards a scenic shoreline, located at the western coast of San Cristobal Island, called Cerro Brujo, or Wizard Hill in English. This area of impressive geology features an eroded, towering tuff cone and a pristine white sand beach. When we landed at this remarkable site several groups of female Galàpagos sea lions were raising their young and each group had an alpha male patrolling in front of them. The sunset offered multiple opportunities for striking photocompositions as it was setting right next to an isolated outcrop called Leon Dormido or Kicker Rock in English.

Once everyone had returned to the ship the captain of the National Geographic Islander hosted a farewell cocktail party and dinner. By the time dinner was ready we had already reached our final anchorage at Wreck Bay in front of the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.