Continuing our expedition in the southeastern part of the archipelago, today we headed to one of the most beautiful islands in the Galapagos, San Cristobal Island. This morning, we visited Punta Pitt and the weather conditions were perfect for a walk. Along the trail, we encountered many blue-footed boobies nesting, a sight that enchanted everyone. In the trees, red-footed boobies, San Cristobal mockingbirds, and frigatebirds were a delightful spectacle for our guests. On the beach, playful sea lions awaited us, posing eagerly for our cameras.

In the afternoon, our walk on the organic white sand beach of Cerro Brujo was a memorable experience. T6he sand was so fine it felt like flour beneath our feet. This was our last outing on San Cristobal. We were able to photograph sea lions, and blue-footed boobies engaged in a feeding frenzy. On the rocks, marine iguanas basked, warming their bodies in the last rays of the afternoon sun.