Marayali Caño is home to hundreds of species of birds, and early in the morning is the best time to go to explore this area. So we went in our skiffs before breakfast and had an amazing bird watching outing!

We came back to discover about a different but beautiful richness of the Upper Amazon…people! We went to San Francisco Village and felt welcomed by these people who didn’t speak our language, but with a universal smile showed us how they live. The school was a highlight! Children sang for us…and then we sang for them! They clapped and laughed! Teachers told us about their educaiton system while our guest joined the class. We were also introduced to an amazing program ran by Minga Peru and supported by the Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Joint Fund for Conservation and Exploration. This program is based in a local radio program that reaches women all over the areas of the Amazon. They learn about women’s rights, about dignity, and about sustainable programs. What a beauty! Conservation programs have to involve local communities and what better way to do it that encouraging women to become local leaders and develop sustainable programs. I felt proud when I hear a woman explaining: “I didn’t know that I was here but to serve my husband! I was embarrassed to talk and say my opinion, but today I’m here and I have learned about my rights and I want to continue learning.” What an inspiration! Their programs include: agroforestry, crop cultivation, and the construction and management of fishponds.

Back on board we navigated to a very important place: where the Marañon River joins the Ucayali River and together they take the name of the Amazon River. We celebrated with a traditional drink while we saw the magnificent waters of the Amazon River.

In the afternoon we were ready for a swim! We went to Clavero Lake and enjoyed the waters just before we went to explore the area with our skiffs or our kayaks. Monkeys and woodpeckers came to see us! Later on our way back, the sky turned to rose and orange colors… what an amazing sunset!  Looking at the reflection of the sky in the river while I’m thinking about the women from San Francisco Village, brings great hope for the future to my mind. We need local leaders, we need to empower women, and with suitable projects like the one we knew about today there is hope for the future.