Today we explored South Plaza and Santa Fe Islands, both in the central part of the archipelago. Marine iguanas were one of the main characters of the day, although sea lions and Galapagos hawks displayed some great moments for photography. I believe today is going to be one of the most memorable days of this trip, as the wildlife and the weather today were on point.
National Geographic Islander II
Genovesa Island
Today we disembarked at the spectacular Darwin Bay on Genovesa Island and walked among red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, frigatebirds, finches, and sea lions. The island was alive with sounds, movement, and hundreds of fluffy chicks, which served as a vivid reminder of how rich and vibrant this ecosystem truly is. We also encountered marine iguanas resting on the lava rocks, perfectly adapted to this remote volcanic environment. The weather was ideal, with a gentle breeze, mild sunlight, and excellent conditions for observing wildlife. Later, we kayaked along cliffs teeming with seabirds and swam in crystal-clear waters alongside playful sea lions and Galápagos fur seals. Genovesa, one of the true gems of the northern archipelago, offered us one of the most memorable days of our expedition. It was a celebration of life, color, and sound in one of the most magical and remote places in the Galápagos, a day we will not soon forget.