After a week of exploring the fjords and islands along Norway's western coast, we awoke this morning in the city of Tromsø, the historical gateway to Svalbard and the last harbor before we venture into the remote high Arctic. But we still had a full day ahead with various activities planned, accompanied by the expedition staff.

Dog lovers spent their morning among 200 friendly Alaskan huskies at the Villmarkssenter kennel on the nearby island of Kvaløya. There, we learned the basics of dog mushing and how to train for the Finnmarksløpet, the world's second-longest dog race. But let’s be honest, most of us were there to cuddle as many dogs as possible, and we were certainly not disappointed!

Meanwhile, others explored the city's museums, the Arctic Cathedral, and the bustling streets lined with wooden houses. Some even left the city behind to go birdwatching in the beautiful surroundings.

By the end of the day, many chose to conclude their trip in continental Norway at Ølhallen, the historic pub where old-time trappers used to gather before heading to Svalbard for the season. What better way to merge the great adventures of the past with our new ones?