The Tyrrhenian Sea looked magnificent this morning during our navigation from Amalfi to Elba Island onboard Sea Cloud II. Isola d’Elba, where Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled, was our next destination, but we wanted to take advantage of this great weather to do several things; first, the crew set up the impressive sail system of the Sea Cloud II, taking their places in the heights of the masts and corresponding gaffs (transverse, smaller masts), then they displayed the topsails. Following, there were visits to several sections of the bark, including the bridge and the engine room with very detailed explanations from the officers. In this way, guests and staff got a deeper knowledge of the anatomy and functioning of Sea Cloud II.

As we sailed, the Mediterranean Sea offered us its quiet waters and we stopped and dropped our Zodiacs for a delightful swim! We finished the day observing the rugged and beautiful coastline of Italy, some of us with a glass of wine in hand. It was a day full of great experiences.