It was a very early start to the day on National Geographic Orion this particular morning, with the first group of guests going ashore at 6:00 a.m.! The place we were visiting was a small island named Vigur, which sits near the half way point in Isafjardardjup, a large fjord system in the northwest of Iceland. The draw to this wonderful family-owned island is not only an eider down collection business, but the fact that it has a large number of Atlantic puffins, and a thriving Arctic tern colony.  One additional feature is the only remaining windmill in Iceland, which dates back to the mid-1800s.

So, each of our groups of guests had an opportunity to have a guided walk around the settlement area, learning about collecting and processing eider down, past the puffins, and through the Arctic tern colony. The grand finale was a chance to sample some of the delicious local pastries, and have another cup of coffee, before having a little free time to take more photos, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere which comes with more isolated island living!

There were several other tour groups that were arriving just as we were preparing to leave, so the last Zodiac headed back to the ship, we ate a late – but still delicious – breakfast and set of for our afternoon activities!

Isafjordur was our destination, a town of about 2,600, which is the largest in this area.  Historically, it has relied largely on fishing. Although the fishing industry throughout Iceland has dwindled, the town has survived, and has a growing tourist industry nowadays, which is a similar trend throughout Iceland.

There were a few hours before lunch to explore this quaint community, and to prepare for the afternoon activities. So after going on walks through town, and eating another great meal on board, we set out on several excursions in this lovely part of Northwest Iceland. One tour headed through a long mountain tunnel to a community called Flateyri a little farther to the west, and also visited a small botanical garden, before returning to the ship. Another group went for a hike, and visited an Arctic fox museum. We all returned just after 5:00 p.m., and relaxed before our evening cocktail hour, recap for the day, and dinner.

During dinner National Geographic Orion pulled away from the pier, and started sailing toward tomorrow’s adventures! Another wonderful day exploring Iceland!