A truly unforgettable day unfolded in the Weddell Sea aboard National Geographic Resolution. The adventure began early in the morning, as guests were roused by exciting news from the bridge: a pod of killer whales had been spotted near the ship. Without hesitation, guests quickly donned their parkas over pajamas and gathered on deck to witness these awe-inspiring apex predators in action.

The morning was spent navigating through colossal tabular icebergs, with Captain Martin and the bridge team expertly guiding the ship through a maze of frozen giants. The focus of the day was clear: ice and penguins, especially the majestic emperor penguins. Guests were treated to incredible views of these remarkable birds—first from the ship, then from the Zodiacs, and finally, during an afternoon ice walk near the Snow Hill Island colony.

With stunning weather, abundant wildlife, and unforgettable encounters, today was a day for the books aboard National Geographic Resolution.