South Orkney Islands
Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands, November 21, 2023

Leopard seal diving. —Maria Intxaustegi, Historian (Photo by Eric Guth)
Milford Sound, New Zealand
Coastal New Zealand: Scenic Fjords, Māori History, and Abundant Wildlife, November 22, 2023

This fjord (even though it’s called a sound) has the most stunning scenery. I love how the forest has returned after glaciation. My favorite plants here are the tree ferns, the ones that look like slightly incorrect palm trees. —Kim Nesbitt, Undersea Specialist
Guna Yala, Panama
Panama and Colombia: Exploring the Caribbean Coast, November 22, 2023

Guna Yala women display their molas for purchase. —Jose Calvo, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Santiago Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, November 22, 2023

We had a surprise visit on board! A short-eared owl stopped for a little rest on the sky deck. —Charles Wittmer, Naturalist
Cuverville Island, Antarctica
Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands, November 23, 2023

Considered the fastest of the penguins, gentoo penguins can reach speeds of 20 mph. Seeing these birds porpoise out of the water to catch a breath while they swim is such an exciting site to capture. —Nathan Kelley, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Dunedin, New Zealand
Coastal New Zealand: Scenic Fjords, Māori History, and Abundant Wildlife, November 25, 2023

The jewelled gecko, endemic to the South Island of New Zealand. We saw as many as ten of these endangered geckos, but this female is only one of two survivors that weren’t eaten by a kingfisher! —Michael Nolan, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Floreana Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, November 26, 2023

The flamingos looked amazing in the golden afternoon light. They flew from one side of the lagoon to the other with amazing grace. —Anahí Concari, Naturalist
Española Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, November 26, 2023

Two families of Española mockingbirds fight over territory at the beach. Their dances are very fun to watch. —Gilda Gonzalez, Naturalist (Photo by Cristian Villarroel)
Peterman Island, Antarctica
Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands, November 26, 2023

Spying through the ice: National Geographic Explorer framed by some of the impressive ice around Petermann Island. —Jonny Reid, Naturalist
Cerro Dragón, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, November 26, 2023

On our afternoon walk we found the most iconic reptile of the Galápagos: the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). It is endemic to the islands. This iguana was basking on the sesuvium for sun; a beautiful contrast of colors and nature. —Felipe Wittmer Naranjo, Naturalist
Snow Hill Island, Antarctica
Antarctica and Patagonia: Legendary Ice and Epic Fjords, November 27, 2023

The calm midnight ocean reflects a brilliant sky. The view was here and gone again within a few minutes. —Tanish Peelgrane, Undersea Specialist
Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, November 28, 2023

A saddleback tortoise at the breeding center gave us a big smile for the camera. —Pato Maldonado, Naturalist