Casual Forest, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, April 15, 2023

Goliath tarantula. —Juan Carlos Avila, Expedition Leader
Hood River, Oregon
Columbia and Snake Rivers Journey, April 17, 2023

Hummingbirds sip nectar from cherry blossoms. —Frankie Wilton, Naturalist
Saint Maló, France
Navigating the Atlantic Coast: Brittany, Wales, and England’s Channel Islands, April 20, 2023

National Geographic Resolution is up for all challenges. To dock in the city of Saint Maló, it is necessary to go through a lock with a mere 1.5-meter safety margin on each side. Captain Heidi and her crew of magnificent sailors expertly crossed the lock. —Maria Intxaustegi, Historian
Penzance, Cornwall, England
Navigating the Atlantic Coast: Brittany, Wales, and England’s Channel Islands, April 22, 2023

Tiny Cornish harbor and boats at low tide. —Joe Holliday, Naturalist
Fernandina Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, April 24, 2023

Marine iguanas perching at Punta Espinoza on a sunny day. —Paola Luque, Naturalist
Holyhead, Wales
Navigating the Atlantic Coast: Brittany, Wales, and England’s Channel Islands, April 24, 2023

Holyhead is located on the island of Anglesey. It is a hiker’s paradise, part of a 200-km long Anglesey Coastal Walking Path. —Giulia Ciampini, Naturalist
Henderson Island, Pitcairn Islands
Easter Island to Tahiti: Tales of the Pacific, April 25, 2023

White terns resting on a pandanus tree. —Jeff Litton, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
North Seymour Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, April 25, 2023

Galápagos shark feeding at the stern of the National Geographic Islander II. —Paulina Saa, Naturalist
Anacapa Island, California
Wild California Escape: Channel Islands National Park, April 25, 2023

Western gulls perch on a hillside on Anacapa Island. The flowers were unusually abundant due to a wet spring. —Sue Ost, Guest
Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal
Islands of the Azores: Fado Music to Fin Whales, April 25, 2023

Gold Crest Bird, Portuguese artwork made of recycled ocean trash. —Amy Malkoski, Naturalist/Expedition Diver (Photo by Gemina Garland-Lewis)
Isabela Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, April 25, 2023

Medium ground finch feeding a chick. —Jonathan Aguas, Naturalist
Rathlin, Northern Ireland
Exploring Scotland’s Wild Isles: Shetlands, Orkneys, and Inner Hebrides, April 26, 2023

Many pairs of seabirds are gradually arriving to their nesting grounds on the cliffs of Rathlin. They will raise their young here until the end of the summer, at which point they will head back out to sea. —Clara Fuquen, Naturalist/Expedition Diver
Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, April 27, 2023

Santa Cruz is an ideal place to spot Darwin finches. It is interesting to observe the shape of their beaks and see how they differ from other species. Santa Cruz is home to at least nine different species of finches. The birds live in different microclimates and vegetation zones, from the coast to the highest elevation, which is the Crocker Volcano. —Christian Saa, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Catalina Island, California
Wild California Escape: Channel Islands National Park, April 27, 2023

A few of our lovely guests enjoying a stunning hike near Little Harbor. —Kimberly Wood, Naturalist