Cerro Dragón, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, September 3, 2022

Marine iguana basking at the golden hour on some carpetweed. This species is unique. The iguanas can dive and forage underwater. It was interesting to see the two species of iguanas close to each other so that we could compare the adaptations they have for different ecosystems even though they share a common ancestor. —Anahi Concari, Naturalist
Senja, Norway
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 5, 2022

A Northern fulmar glides just above the surface of the water as the early morning light dances around in the ripples of the ocean. —Nathan Kelley, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Sgang Gwaii, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, September 5, 2022

Early this morning, National Geographic Sea Lion cruised south as we headed for our morning anchorage of Anthony Island and the Unesco World Heritage Site, Sgang Gwaii. It is also a Haida Heritage Site, a village site with mortuary poles standing exactly where they were raised…the only site like it in the world! —Sharon Grainger, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Trollfjord, Norway
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 6, 2022

Just before dinner, National Geographic Endurance explored Trollfjord, a very short yet very narrow fjord. Entering this fjord gives the bridge team a chance to show off their navigation skills and take advantage of the ship’s incredible maneuverability. A visit to Trollfjord isn’t complete without bringing the ship right up to the edge of the sheer cliff face, sometimes even close enough to pick a leaf from a tree branch! —Doug Gould, Expedition Leader
Vaeroya, Lofoten Islands, Norway
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 7, 2022

The fishing community is also an adventure gateway, with high mountains that promise unforgettable hikes. We took our hike at the most southern part of the Lofoten Islands. The small island of Vaeroya used to be home to fishermen but now only hosts summer residents due to its remoteness. Our more adventurous and feisty guests hiked all the way up to the top to enjoy the most stunning view. —Anne Hedlund, Naturalist/Expedition Diver (photo by Jamie Coleman)
Nordenfjorden, Norway
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 8, 2022

After the recap and dinner (excellent as always), the guests were invited to watch the Aurora Borealis, which was getting brighter and more colorful as the night progressed. Tomorrow will be a day at sea, so many guests stayed late to view the spectacle in the sky. —Serguei Ponomarenko, Naturalist (photo by Lisle Gwynn)
Princess Royal Island, British Columbia
Voyage to Great Bear Rainforest: Native Culture & Wildlife in the Land of the Spirit Bear, September 8, 2022

Guests enjoy one of the largest of the waterfalls we encountered on our day of cruising. Our bridge crew and captain piloted the ship to the perfect spot for a great view and great photos! —Rich Kirchner, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Genovesa Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, September 9, 2022

Bright red feet with a serrated toenail for preening head feathers. —Celso Montalvo, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Klewnuggit Inlet, British Columbia
Voyage to Great Bear Rainforest: Native Culture & Wildlife in the Land of the Spirit Bear, September 11, 2022

A lone Steller sea lion rested in the serenity of Klewnuggit Inlet, unphased by the Zodiac paparazzi. —Lee Moll, Naturalist
Alpefjord, Greenland
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 13, 2022

Long hikers look epic in front of the snowcapped peaks of Northeast Greenland National Park. —Jamie Coleman, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor