The Azores

Video: Creating Compelling Visual Stories in the Azores

As a National Geographic Photography Expert, Sisse Brimberg's goal is not just to teach guests how to use a camera, but to show them how to take meaningful photos that convey a story. “It's very rewarding to me when people's eyes are opened and they're impressed with what they can achieve,” says Brimberg. In this episode of Explore with National Geographic Experts, she discusses the art of visual storytelling and shares tips for capturing the narrative and memories of a destination—whether that's the emerald green pastures of the Azores, or on her upcoming expeditions to the stunning icy landscapes of Antarctica and the Arctic.



Video Transcript

Sisse Brimberg, National Geographic Photography Expert: People that have a keen interest in travel photography are so well-off when they choose traveling with Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic because there is such a respect around photography onboard the vessels.

It's a part of the whole system. You get to speak to photographers that have experience, you have somebody there supporting you all the time when you are immersing yourself into photography. Photography has taken me much deeper into other people's lives. 

Title: Explore with National Geographic Experts: Sisse Brimberg, National Geographic Photography Expert 

Who is Sisse Brimberg?

I'm Sisse Brimberg. I am the photography expert onboard the National Geographic Endurance for Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic. 

I am a visual storyteller that uses my pictures to tell the story about the place I am in, and that may be the Azores and how here, there is an immense amount of volcanoes and the green pastures. What I think is important, I convey it into photography and that's what the story is about for me.

Capturing the Azores 

The Azores, it's such a hidden gem. It is just such a surprise. You get here and you get to these emerald, green islands. It's so beautiful and unique because there hasn't been much tourist traffic here at all. It's islands that have been growing in their own speed and evolution. It is truly how the Azoreans live their life, and that's very beautiful to experience.

One of the pleasures about the Azores trip is island hopping. We are going from one place to the other. We have a lovely vessel that we are staying on board, and then the next morning, we are in a new place and we get met by people that want to tell us exactly what's unique about this place. There are nine major islands, but they are all different, and over a fairly small area, we get to see these facets of the Azores all together.

My role as a National Geographic Photographer onboard the expedition is to help people with their photography, help them not only with their cameras, but also with understanding the process of taking pictures. I think, "Can I inspire them?" It's very rewarding to me when people's eyes are opened and they're impressed with what they can achieve. Something they can be proud of when they are showing their pictures to friends and family because that's how we share our experiences and photography is a superb way of remembering what took place.