The name of this expedition is Epic 80! The longest expedition of the Arctic season that would encompass two landmasses and many islands, view wildlife, and learn about the modern and ancient cultures that live and lived here. It has been epic in many ways. Incredible views of iconic Arctic species and great weather to create opportunities for finding the wildlife. Today though was not so much about wildlife but making our goal of 80 degrees north latitude. The Captain and expedition leader kept a wary eye on both the wind and ice charts to see when a window would open up and give the ship her opportunity. Today was the day. With little to no wind the ice movement would be predictable so we started north with Ellesmere Island on our port side and Greenland to our starboard. By breakfast we were north of 79 and making good distance. There was ice present but it was smaller floes easily navigated through. By lunch we were getting closer. After lunch an announcement came from the bridge that we were just a few nautical miles from our goal. The ice was getting thicker and the floes larger, but when you attempt to get just 600 nautical miles from the North Pole, ice will be encountered. Then the captain found a lead and pushed the ship towards it. Cameras were clicking on the bridge to commemorate the crossing as it was shown on the many GPS units present on the bridge. The master blew the ships horn and all celebrated.

The best way to celebrate was with a polar plunge! The ship was stopped and a platform was put down so those that wanted could jump into the frigid 30 degree water at 80 degrees north. Many spectators cheered on the hearty souls who braved the quick dip with sea ice in the background. Once all were done the ship was turned around and southbound she went in search of other adventures on the Greenland side of the Arctic.