We woke up to a wonderful sunrise and we headed on an expedition to hike at  Amazon Natural Park, where we a hike into the deepness of the rainforest, along the way we practice some of our photography, and a couple of squirrel monkeys jumping in between the trees.  Soon, we arrived to an area where there were hanging bridges, and we crossed all of them, allowing us to photograph from a different angle and closer to the canopy of the rainforest.  In the way back, while paddling across a calm lagoon, we spotted about three monkeys, sitting on top of the canopy; these were squirrel monkeys. These mammals were curious enough to come down to see us and offering us the opportunity to photograph them from up close.

After lunch we explored the wilderness of the Peruvian Upper Amazon.  We started our morning by exploring the riverbanks. We soon spotted a few species of raptors like a couple of black collar hawks, yellow headed cara caras, as well as three out of the five species of king fishers found around this area.  We also had the opportunity to spot a few of the erratic pink and grey river dolphins fishing around and exploring the waters near us.

We came back to our mother ship with a wonderful farewell sunset and soon started engines to continue our exploration around the Peruvian Upper Amazon.