Today was a day of true exploration, as the National Geographic Explorer navigated its way through Ataneq Fjord, a place the ship had never been. Our fearless expedition leader scouted ahead of the ship looking for a suitable place to land while the sounding Zodiac scouted the waters to ensure the ship could safely navigate the fjord. 

In the morning we explored a place named Tunúngassoq. The glacially rounded metamorphic rocks at Tunúngassoq are covered in spongy tundra that made if feel as though we were walking on mattresses. We hiked around an abandoned village with a gravesite and enjoyed discovering some of the local flora. A few of us were fortunate to see an Arctic fox. While the guests were ashore, the undersea team did some exploring below the surface and found quite a few fascinating creatures lurking in the depths. 

During lunch we pushed further into the fjord and found a suitable place to launch the kayaks.  While some of us paddled the tranquil waters of the fjord, others went for a short hike or just enjoyed some quiet time on the ship. But before we pulled anchor, a select few decided to brave the frigid waters and go for a Polar Plunge.  Once back on board, the anchor was pulled and we headed back out of the fjord to our next destination.  And during the final recap we were reminded of all the captured memories in the guest slideshow.