On our third day of expedition we reach the southernmost tip of the Galapagos, Floreana, also known as the island of mysteries as some extraordinary events happened here in the 1930’s where some of the inhabitants ended in death and tragedy in unclear circumstances. 

An early wake up came to be so great to enjoy sunrise, followed by a moderate pace walk on an easy trail that goes right through a brackish water lagoon, which sometimes has different kinds of birds like flamingoes and others. We continue our way to the other side of a tuff cone where the beach has white sand and sea turtles nest. Upon return, we have a close encounter with nesting blue-footed boobies, which were no shy to show us their courting dance.

Next on agenda is visiting the neighbor island of Champion where zodiac rides approach us to varied wildlife form different groups of animals like sea lions, sea gulls, brown noddies and a special species of mockingbird that became extinct on the main island of Floreana due to predation from introduced animals.

After that we prepare for rounds of glass bottom boat sessions and also for snorkeling which is in fact the amazing for the amount of fish species found here and also the show that sea lions put on to people visiting them.

Humpbacks whales show up to give us the most memorable time one can have, so close so beautiful.

The afternoon comes with more as leave the ship for rounds of kayak, paddleboard and zodiac rides as well as the visit of the famous post office barrel to exchange email with the world in just the way whalers used to do it in centuries ago.

All of that offered us with the best of the area, human history, wildlife on land like in the sea and more.

A penguin, large number of turtles, rays and even sharks were there for us to give us another phenomenal day of expedition.